Friday 9 July 2021


Nothing is everlasting. 不知不觉我们分隔了有4个月,也没有再听到对方的消息了,仿佛已消失人间。有多少个人真正能够分辨爱与喜欢。以前的我一直告诉我自己我多么的爱他,后来发现其实我只是喜欢他,仰慕他而已,而不是所谓的爱。有朋友告诉我:喜欢是轻松愉快的,而爱是痛苦、沉重、撕心裂肺的。或许每个人的答案都不会相同。喜欢,可以心动。而爱,一定会心痛。喜欢,可以舍得。但爱, 一定舍不得。喜欢一个人,爱一个人,他落泪你就会跟着他一起落泪。而喜欢一个人,他落泪你只不过会安慰。喜欢是可以变成爱的,但如果你一旦爱了就说不出喜欢。喜欢与责任无关,爱一定要负责任。



“爱无条件”是我从他身上领悟到自己缺乏的一种付出。这种付出也联系到一般情侣常会称呼他们的另外一半为“灵魂伴侣”。当时的我一直告诉自己,他会是我的灵魂伴侣,所有的优点和缺点我都能够接受,尽量对他好,付出我的全世界给他。所谓“对你好”,是一个自己可以给予自己力量和快乐的人,把自己的经验和知识无条件的传递给另外一个人,帮助对方也成为一个自强独立、有爱、有精神力量,并且不受外界事物变化而情绪动荡的人,这种行为才是真正的“对你好”。这种好,是很冒险和苦涩的,因为一般人难以接受。同时,这种好,对他自己的内涵修养要求极高,一般人做不到这样“对人好” ,但我做得到。










分隔了四个月,我也完全放下他了。我不后悔失去他,因为旧的不去,新的不来。我现在也喜欢上了一个人,同时也享受着被爱的感觉。可是没有一段感情是完美的。我们也只认识了有4个月了,暂时都很甜蜜。我以前以为我和上一任的化学作用很搭配,可是这一次的搭配就如atom bond 拥有8electron的那么稳重。我们几乎每个晚上睡前都会谈天。X后都会为对方穿衣服裤子。听的音乐和穿着都相似。最让我感动是他切澄会把皮切掉才给我吃。性格方面呢,起初认识他觉得他带有别的目的认识我。后来慢慢的开始了解他,看到他是个不自私自利,而且脚踏实地的君子。当初认识他也是因为刚分手,和他谈心事。可是后来知道他正在承担着比我重100倍的压力,可是却隐瞒起来,我当时觉得这个人很伟大,自己身体衰弱却还会为一个陌生人感到担忧。这点让我十分佩服他,觉得他的思想很成熟。


不知道这段完美的“感情”会为此多久,最后也许我会受伤。但能够在这交叉点相遇认识到他,已经是我的荣幸了。我想暂停脚步,享受当下。何时要起步离开这相遇点或者一起走下去人生的道路我还不知道,但我会给自己一个打算,也许有一天大家会各走各路,因为nothing is everlasting. 


Tuesday 31 December 2013






Thursday 26 September 2013






世界上每一个人都会犯错事,我承认有时我也对不起你,可是你得学会放开一点,be more satisfied with what you have,宽容一点,这样你的生活才会更多姿多彩。

Take care.

Tuesday 13 August 2013



前几个月的每个星期二的这个时候,我都会在学校Block C门口走出来腰酸背痛,手上拿着一把小提琴,一起和朋友走回宿舍。





如果这次考试有不及格,我也不会感到惊讶。以前我没有A, 都有A-,  那时foundation还告诉自己我是不可能有不及格的。现在我没有B,就有C…… 唉,能够毕业就行了。也许我对practical比theory更有兴趣。读书不再是我喜欢做的事了。

无论如何,我还是得拿个second class honour回来。还有时间成救我的成绩。加油吧!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

UCSI Orchestra Aug 2013

快乐的时光总是过得比较快。还记得上一个部落格我写了我进入UCSI ochestra的audition的经验。当初每一个人对我来是都是陌生人,我视乎闯入别人的课室闹事,所以当初有种尴尬的感觉。



UCSI Orchestra Concert 6/8/2013, conducted by Ms Cheryl Mah

Some of the orchestra members

My supporters
My desk partner
也少不了我的desk partner, Jireh, 和我这14周里一起练习。给我‘骂’了不少,哈哈不好意系啦…… 希望你新的desk partner会对你比较好 :P


是他不断地鼓励我别放弃小提琴,鼓励我参与学校的orchestra, 还指导我的audition歌曲,减少错误。

Orchestra is now over and it's time to prepare for my final that starts on next Monday. 希望我还有机会上台和大家一起演奏 :D

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Turning a dream into a reality

Few months back I got to know a guy from the School of Music in UCSI University. He plays the violin and he shared many things with me. He asked me not to give up my violin and motivated me to continue my violin. He even suggested me to join our university orchestra in this semester. Well, joining an orchestra is and always my dream. The chance has come to me and I would never lose this chance getting into it. I practiced day and night during my semester break few weeks back and the day has come.

The audition was set at 7pm at the recital hall and I came at around 6.45pm. I went down to the music practice room to have a quick warm up and went up to the recital hall 5 minutes before 7pm. I couldn't contact this friend of mine, and he hadn't appear yet. I started to get nervous as the hall was filling up with musicians with their instruments like horn, cello, viola and violin. I started to feel awkward being the only non music student to be in the hall. Suddenly I noticed people bringing their music stand to the hall too and I didn't bring because my friend told me it was not necessary. My mind started to blame this guy for asking me not to bring and never bother to even pick up my phone to assist me as I was so lost.

I felt like wanting to give up and I was walking alone in the corridor and suddenly the lift door opened and this guy came out.

"Thank God!" I told myself.

He was late and quickly he went into the hall asking me to follow. When I stepped back into the hall, I felt that awkward sensation again. The students were going in front of the hall sitting near the conductor as she was about to take their attendance. I felt soooo awkward and I wished I was invisible. While the conductor was taking the attendance, I quietly walked out the hall to answer a phone call from another music friend of mine. She asked me to stay calm and just go back into the hall and take a seat. I nodded to her with my mind so hair-wired and I went back into the hall.

Guess what, when I entered the hall for the third time, my friend shouted my name front the front.

 "Joe!!" And then he pointed to a seat next to him.

I noticed all the eyes were watching at me and I was so embarrassed. I had no choice but to walk down the "red carpet" to the front of the hall and sat beside him. My awkwardness + embarrass-ness had reached to the max. I didn't dare to move once my butt touched the chair. The hall was so quiet and only the conductor was speaking. She was just standing right beside me!

After she had announced the pieces that they were going to play for this semester, the orchestra players went down to have their sectional practice while around 8 of us remained in the hall for audition.

She asked us to wait outside the hall and each of us took turn to go in for audition. While waiting for my turn, I got to know these new soon-to-be orchestra players. They were all foundation first semester students and I was the only senior and also a non-music student there.

After an hour plus, it was my turn. I didn't feel nervous as I had waited so long outside and was so hungry until the butterflies died inside my stomach because it was about 9pm. She asked a bit about my background and asked me to play some scales and a piece that I had chosen, which is one of my Grade 6 exam pieces. It wasn't that awful except for the sight-reading part. It was horrible.

It was a short audition and she asked me to leave my e-mail address so that she could give me an answer on whether I could be part of the orchestra member.

I came home about 10pm and I had maggi mee for my dinner. Friends were asking about my audition but I gave them a negative respond as I thought chances of getting in for a non-music student should be low as the conductor should give priority to the music students. However, I was still keen to know the result. Suddenly I got a mail in my inbox after I refreshed my page (damn stress!)

"O.M.G!" I told myself.

I got into the orchestra! I hadn't experience such happiness for quite some time, not even getting an A+ for my exam nor getting my first pay had I been so happy. To me, this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to join the orchestra. I'm really grateful I got this opportunity to meet this friend. He has changed my life, making my dream to be a reality. I owe him so much and I didn't know how should I repay him.

Thank you Brace for encouraging me not to give up my violin and given me this opportunity to join this orchestra. And thank you Rachel for encouraging me not to give up at the last minute. Finally, thank you to all my friends who had given me support all these while :D

Monday 29 April 2013

A random day during my semester break

Yesterday I attended Shell 54th Annual General Meeting at Thistle Hotel, Port Dickon. It was quite some time ago since the last time I came to Port Dickson during my first AFSA camp- Unity Camp 1.0. I didn't realize about it until I felt the place was familiar to me.

It is a 5-star hotel and I was so amazed by how friendly they treated us, the shareholders, as if we were VIPs. At entering the hotel, there were people guiding us to our parking. Upon parking our car, they have those electric golf cars to fetch us to the lobby. At the lobby, the staffs greeted us and served us a glass of juice. In other AGM, we would have to register as shareholders/proxies before allowed to enjoy the breakfast. But here in Shell, we were asked to have our breakfast first before registering.

We got some car engine oil and some TnG cards given after registering.

After our breakfast, we still had about an hour before the meeting starts, so we decided to walk around the hotel.

The view at the beach

It wasn't that "grand' as what I thought a 5-star hotel should be, but it was luxury enough and cozy as well.

This is one awesome AGM I've ever attended because in other companies' AGM, after the AGM and that's the end of it. But for Shell, they invited us to visit their oil refinery somewhere in Port Dickson. Sadly our cameras and phones were 'confiscated' because no electrical devices shall be brought into the refinery, and so I have no photos to upload. I am really grateful my dad gave me this opportunity to attend this AGM. The best part being a shareholder of Shell is that while in the bus to and from the oil refinery, there were traffic polices escorting the buses to move through the traffic. I could even hear other shareholders saying "wow we are treated like Agung!" 

Back at the hotel, I received a bad news. So bad that I previously had never expected this would happen to me. I failed two of my subjects this semester. Actually just after I sat the papers, I knew I was going to fail. I had prepared myself to accept the fact but I just couldn't believe who I am now. A student that used to get flying colours all these while getting two subjects fail at the same time now. 

I just have no idea what is wrong with me nowadays. Nobody could explain that, even myself. I just love slacking in the classroom, thinking of other stuffs during lectures, procrastinate for assignments and so on. When it comes to studying, I just couldn't pay attention on the text I'm reading. Friends giving advise not to give up because there is no one that never fails in life. This is what I usually tell my other friends who couldn't do well in their studies too, and now it's the other way round. 

Today I have got back into myself. I will take it positively and a lesson to myself. I do not care how people will look at my low CGPA, I just know I am not this kind of student, it was just a mistake I did and I'm sure I can raise it back before graduating. Good luck!!!