Thursday, 5 January 2012

Is this God's order?

There are many unexpected things that are always happening around all of us.
Last year September semester,
I thought I would be moving out from Seri Cendekia
after my final exam on October.
the day I decided to move out,
I found a part-time job in Cheras,
and so I continued to stay for the next two months.

During that two months,
I thought I would be moving out on January
to my friend's house in Angkasa condo.
he said he has to clean his house before my friend and I can move in.
So, the first week of January I'll have to continue staying here
while waiting for him to inform me when can I move in.

One day I met him and his housemates in McD.
They told me about their usual activities at home,
and I was freaked out.
I felt that I'll regret staying there.
One of the most disgusting activity that I've never heard in my life is that
one of their housemates can 'hibernate' for 3 days.
He usually sleep on Friday late midnight
and wake up on Sunday afternoon.
And they told me if he never comes out from his room for a long time,
do not inform the police if there is no rotting smell.
He is just probably sleeping...

After hearing all these,
and so happen one of my classmates' housemate is moving out next month.
So I decided to stay in my current place for another month,
and move to her house next month.

What I'm trying to say is that
when I say I'm moving out on October,
I ended up staying till December.
When I say I'm moving out on January,
I ended up staying till end of January.
Will there be more?
Is this a God's order, or I should say,
am I destined to stay with my 'long-lost brother'
and is not allowed to leave him behind?

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